Are You Frustrated With Back Pain And THEÂ Limitations Of Your Body ?
"I started seeing Kaye about 2 years ago.
I noticed that a Pilates studio had opened up in Ferndown and i have done Pilates before so i was aware of the benefits. The Pilates that i have done before though was what i call 'normal' Pilates by which i mean the sort of Pilates that you find going on in Gyms etc. It turned out that Kaye's version is much more special and profound. She goes way beyond seeing it just as a form of exercise. I have had a number of one to ones with her which have helped me enormously, not just on a physical level but also on a mental level.
I find now that i have more confidence as my body works more efficiently and i am able to stand up straight and walk faster. it translates into being someone who can cope with life better as i am not hunched over and stumbling about.
She has given me knowledge that will help me with the rest of my life. If it was not for the fact that i have moved to Spain i would have carried on seeing her.
The main thing that i have learned is how to breathe properly which has helped with my stress levels and has brought about more subtle and far reaching health benefits.
My particular physical problems have been addressed by her with clever insight and tenderness, which i greatly appreciate. I will miss her very much and will endeavour to keep in touch by Skype as i will miss her unique take on Pilates. I don't think that i could have coped with the move to Spain if i had not met her, as she has changed me for the better and it has meant that i can now face this new big challenge in my life."